Ian Irvine

Ian Irvine, an Australian marine scientist, has also written 32 novels and an anthology of shorter stories. His novels include the Three Worlds fantasy sequence (The View from the Mirror, The Well of Echoes and Song of the Tears), which has been published in many countries and translations and has sold over sold over a million copies, a trilogy of eco-thrillers in a world of catastrophic climate change, Human Rites, now in its third edition, and 13 novels for younger readers. His next fantasy novel is The Fatal Gate, Book 2 of The Gates of Good and Evil, a new Three Worlds trilogy, to be published in the US, UK and Australia by Orbit Books in June 2017.

Books by Ian Irvine:
A Shadow on the GlassChimaeraDark is the MoonGeomancerGrim and Grimmer - The Calamitous Queen (Book 4)Grim and Grimmer - The Desperate Dwarf (Book 3)Grim and Grimmer - The Grasping Goblin (Book 2)Grim and Grimmer - The Headless Highwayman (Book 1)JackJusticeRebellionRuncible Jones and the Backwards HourglassRuncible Jones and the Buried CityRuncible Jones and the Frozen CompassRuncible Jones - The Gate to NowhereScrutatorTerminator GeneTetrarchThe Curse of the Chosen – Song of the Tears (Book 2)The Destiny of the Dead – Song of the Tears (Book 3)The Fatal GateThe Last AlbatrossThe Life LotteryThe Sorcerer's Tower - Black Crypt (Book 3)The Sorcerer's Tower - Giant's Lair (Book 2)The Sorcerer's Tower - Thorn Castle (Book 1)The Sorcerer's Tower - Wizardry Crag (Book 4)The Summon StoneThe Tower on the RiftThe Way Between the WorldsTorments of the Traitor – Song of the Tears (Book 1)Vengeance