Odyle Knight

Odyle Knight is an Australian woman who has lived in Bali for much of her life. As partner to a Balinese priest for almost ten years she has gained a great insight into the mystical practices and customs of this ancient culture, which remains a Hindu enclave in the largest Moslem country in the world. Ms. Knight has a BA in Psychology and History, and diplomas in Education and Counselling, and has worked as a Teacher and School Counsellor. Drawn to the metaphysical, she also holds a Diploma in Astrological Studies from the Royal College of Astrological Studies, London, and has given lectures and workshops on spiritual topics in many organizations around the world. She has written Bali Moon and a chapter in The Disinformation Guide to 21st Century Witchcraft edited by Fiona Horne, and is currently working on her next book, Bali Magic: Reflections of a reluctant psychic.

Books by Odyle Knight:
Bali Moon